Are you interested in knowing more about the latest ESiWACE developments?


30. Sep 2020

ESiWACE2 Services calls for 2021 are now open!

After a year of successful collaborations in accelerating atmospheric and sea ice-ocean modeling, we look forward to another year of working together with weather and climate modeling scientists in Europe!

15. Jun 2020

Virtual 6th ENES HPC Workshop and ESiWACE2 annual meeting

From 25 to 29 May, 2020, DKRZ hosted the 6th HPC workshop of the European Network for Earth System Modelling (ENES) as a virtual event within the framework of ESiWACE2. On May, 27, the workshop was suspended for the equally virtual ESiWACE2 annual meeting.

29. Sep 2018

ESiWACE2 selected for Funding

ESiWACE2 has been selected by the European Commission for funding and has entered the grant preparation phase. We look forward to the new project and keep you posted!

29. Sep 2018

ESiWACE Newsletter 09/2018

Check out the ESiWACE newsletter 09/2018! It has been synchronised with the latest newsletter of the ENES HPC task force.

2. Aug 2018

ICT 2018

ICT 2018 will take place in Vienna on 4-6 December 2018. This research and innovation event will focus on the European Union’s priorities in the digital transformation of society and industry. It will present an opportunity for the people involved in this transformation to share their experience and vision of Europe in the digital age. ESiWACE will have a booth at ICT 2018.

28. Dec 2017

ESiWACE Newsletter 12/2017

From now, ESiWACE provides newsletters that describe latest actions in the project. Check out the first newsletter (including a recap of the project)!