published Sep 01, 2022 , last modified Nov 14, 2022


Since August 2022, the Journal of the Meteorological Society of Japan (JMSJ) and Scientific Online Letters on the Atmosphere (SOLA) are calling for papers for two Special Editions on Research on the Frontier of Atmospheric Science with High Performance Computing.

Many simulation studies in meteorology, oceanography, atmospheric chemistry, and other related sciences have been conducted using high-performance computing (HPC) technology. The advent of such HPC facilities has contributed to significant progress in atmospheric science by allowing for super-high resolution simulations, large ensemble simulations, and assimilation of observational big data.
Among other projects, the DYAMOND initiative, an intercomparison project of global storm-resolving (< 5 km) simulations supported by ESiWACE, reflects the worldwide rapid development of HPC facilities and high-resolution models. Up to now it consists of 13 simulation runs, which are now being studied intensely, taking advantage of the wide variety of the participating models. With 4 of the runs being coupled to a full-3D dynamical ocean, multi-decadal-scale climate calculation is now becoming a realistic target. Deep understanding of the roles and behaviour of explicit convection in the model climate system is a key toward such calculations.

Authors are invited to publish their research on DYAMOND Winter simulations or other compute resource-demanding simulations.

The special edition will accept papers on meteorological, climate and environmental sciences conducted with high-performance computing technology until the end of 2023. The publications will be included in regular issues and a special collection of JMSJ as well as special editions of SOLA of 2023-2024.

Further details and instructions for submission can be found on the JMSJ webpage or in the document provided by SOLA.

Important dates

Deadline of submission: December 31, 2023


  • (JMSJ) In regular issues of 2023-2024 (special collection on web)

  • (SOLA) In special editions of 2023-2024