
The third and final training course on High Performance Data Analytics (HPDA) and Visualisation organised by CMCC and DKRZ in the context of ESiWACE2 consisted of four 2-hour online sessions held from 6 to 9 September 2022.

With this online training course we aimed at increasing the participating scientists’ expertise in techniques and solutions to efficiently extract knowledge from increasing volumes of weather and climate data. The online training was delivered by Donatello Elia (CMCC) and Florian Ziemen (DKRZ), who presented the open source tools Ophidia and ParaView and their application for HPDA and visualisation tasks. Aspects covered ranged from simple analytics tasks to workflows and applications (e.g., Python-based) and provided the training participants with best practices and guidelines for dealing with massive scientific datasets on HPC architectures. The training comprised examples of real world applications and a mixture of demos, walkthrough tutorials and hands-on sessions.

The majority of the 53 registered attendees came from academia or research centres, with more than half of those being early career scientists or students. Among the 17 countries represented Germany, Romania, Italy, France, US and the USA had the hightest numbers of registered attendees.

To revisit the training contents, please have a look at the recording of last year's HPDA & visualisation training on YouTube and at the HPDA & visualisation training page.