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New video illustrates the reasons for and activities in ESiWACE
A new video introduces the EU-funded "Centre of Excellence in Simulation of Weather and Climate in Europe (ESiWACE)"
ESiWACE2 Services calls for 2020 are now open!
Three calls for proposals are now open for applications until November 1st.
ENES HPC Task Force Newsletter (Sep 2018)
The latest newsletter of the ENES HPC task force is available!
ESiWACE2 selected for Funding
ESiWACE2 has been selected by the European Commission for funding and has entered the grant preparation phase. We look forward to the new project and keep you posted!
ESiWACE Newsletter 09/2018
Check out the ESiWACE newsletter 09/2018! It has been synchronised with the latest newsletter of the ENES HPC task force.
ICT 2018
ICT 2018 will take place in Vienna on 4-6 December 2018. This research and innovation event will focus on the European Union’s priorities in the digital transformation of society and industry. It will present an opportunity for the people involved in this transformation to share their experience and vision of Europe in the digital age. ESiWACE will have a booth at ICT 2018.
ESiWACE Newsletter 12/2017
From now, ESiWACE provides newsletters that describe latest actions in the project. Check out the first newsletter (including a recap of the project)!
EC invests 1billion Euros in supercomputing
The European Commission has launched the EuroHPC Joint Undertaking, which will pool resources from 25 European countries, build supercomputing and data infrastructure, and support research and innovation in the field involving scientists, businesses and industry.
French minister of science visits university of Hamburg
On 1st September 2017, the French Minister of Higher Education, Research and Innovation, Prof. Frédérique Vidal, visited the University of Hamburg. Her special interest was in the field of climate research. Previously, Vidal and her German colleague, Johanna Wanka, have agreed in Paris to work more closely on central future issues with a special focus on international climate and energy research.
G20 partner programme at DKRZ
On July, 7th, Professor Thomas Ludwig, Director of the German Climate Computing Center (DKRZ), and Professor Martin Claussen, Managing Director of the Max Planck Institute for Meteorology (MPI-M), welcomed the partners of the heads of state and government of the G20 summit on the premises of the Hotel Atlantic.
EC Announcement: PRACE Summer of HPC 2017
Consisting of a training week and two months of placement in top High Performance Computing (HPC) centres across Europe, the programme offers participants the opportunity to learn and share more about PRACE and HPC.
EC Announcement: HPC Summit Week 2017
The second edition of the European HPC Summit Week will focus on High Performance Computing (HPC) initiatives in Europe such as PRACE, EUDAT, EXDCI, ESIWACE and many more. The objective is to allow participants to find synergies among all stakeholders of the HPC ecosystem.
Video on High-Performance and Exascale Computing in Europe
A video on HPC was released that highlights the current developments in the field of High-Performance Computing in Europe. Prepared by PRACE (Partnership for Advanced Computing in Europe), the video was presented during the Digital Day that took place in Rome on the 23rd of March 2017.
EU ministers commit to digitising Europe with high-performance computing power
Ministers from seven European countries (France, Germany, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Portugal and Spain) have signed in Rome a declaration to support the next generation of computing and data infrastructures, a European project of the size of Airbus in the 1990s and of Galileo in the 2000s.
Foresight Paper ENES
The infrastructure strategy of ENES: key conclusions and recommendations regarding: the need to access world-class computers, the need to further integrate the ENES community and to prepare the next generation of climate models for future massively parallel computers, the need to further develop the data infrastructure and its access for a larger range of users.