The second training course on High Performance Data Analytics (HPDA) and Visualisation, organised by CMCC and DKRZ in the context of ESiWACE2, consisted of four 2-hour online sessions held from 13 to 16 September 2021.
The course aimed at increasing participants' expertise on analytics and visualisation applied to climate and weather data through the Ophidia and ParaView open-source solutions.
Training topics ranged from an introduction to scientific data management via analysis and visualisation, interactive analysis, data analytics workflows to an overview of visualisation workflows, from post to in-situ. Besides introductory lectures, the course provided examples of real-world applications, walkthrough tutorials and practical hands-on sessions.
The four sessions consisted of:
- Session 1: Introduction to ParaView
- Session 2: Advanced ParaView use
- Session 3: Introduction to HPDA with Ophidia and PyOphidia
- Session 4: Introduction to workflows with Ophidia
More than 60 people from around 20 countries worldwide registered for the 2021 training. The most highly represented countries were Germany, Italy, India, France, Ireland, and Spain. Registrations were mainly from academia or research centres, and more than 50% were early career scientists or students.
After the training the participants were asked to fill out a survey. In general, the results of the replies collected show a positive impact of the training. The training was perceived as useful by the majority of the respondents and most of them would recommend following this type of training to their colleagues. In particular, the hands-on parts of the sessions were well-regarded, although the need for more time devoted to these practical aspects emerged from the survey responses.
Additional information about the event and links to the material and video recordings are available at: