
This year's virtual EGU General Assembly has seen a number of contributions from ESiWACE2 project partners:

AS4.2: High resolution modelling of weather and climate

Jointly with Daniel Klocke, Peter Dueben (ECMWF) and Florian Ziemen (DKRZ) convened a PICO session on high resolution modelling of weather and climate which included the following ESiWACE2-related presentations:

  • DYAMOND-II simulations with IFS-FESOM2 by Thomas Rackow, Nils Wedi, Kristian Mogensen, Peter Dueben, Helge F. Goessling, Jan Hegewald, Christian Kühnlein, Lorenzo Zampieri, and Thomas Jung

ITS4.4/AS4.1: Machine learning for Earth System modelling

Together with Julien Brajard, Redouane Lguensat, Francine Schevenhoven and Maike Sonnewald, Peter Dueben of ECMWF co-convened a PICO session on machine learning for earth system modelling.

The session covered a broad range of topics from data reconstruction, evaluation and quality control via forecasting and predictions to data analysis and specific applications using machine learning methods.


SC5.1: Data Visualization in Earth Science

Together with Marc Rautenhaus (University of Hamburg), Niklas Röber and Michael Böttinger of DKRZ have co-convened a short course on earth science data visualization, introducing the general-purpose data visualization tool ParaView and the meteorology-specific Met.3D visualization framework for analysing increasingly large and complex earth science data sets.

The short course recording is available for viewing by registered vEGU21 attendees until 31 May 2021.