Digital4Science is a virtual space for dialogue open to all in the fields of Open Science, Future and Emergent Technologies, and e-Infrastructure. Augusto Burgueño Arjona of the EC explains why it is important for projects to engage with the Digital4Science.
For those particularly interested in e-Infrastructure, Digital4Science focuses on two main areas:
1) co-operation between projects and
2) getting ready for workprogramme 2016-17 (publication in October 2015): "In order to get ready for workprogramme 2016-17, potential participants must understand what’s new and what they have to do to satisfy the new requirements. By enabling current projects to share experiences and best practices, we expect that ideas will emerge about how best to adapt to the changes. We will launch discussion streams on the issues we consider more relevant, such as KPIs, TRLs and catalogue of services, and we are sure that you will bring in other issues as well. This is what we would like to use the platform for at the beginning, but new issue raised by you will certainly make it evolve.
Digital4Science will be holding an e-concertation meeting in Brussels on the 9th of November 2015. It will be a great opportunity to take stock of what has been discussed on Digital4Science and complement it with face-to-face conversations. Once the physical meeting will be over, the conversation will continue here. The dialogue is open and will remain open for as long as there are issues to talk about, face-to-face or online.
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