
Mar 20, 2024 to Mar 21, 2024
(Europe/Berlin / UTC100)


C6-E101, UPC Campus Nord, Barcelona

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The tutorial will motivate the audience on the need for portable, efficient programming models that put less pressure on program developers while still getting good performance for clusters and clusters with GPUs.

More specifically, the tutorial will:

  • Introduce the hybrid MPI/OmpSs parallel programming model for future exascale systems
  • Demonstrate how to use MPI/OmpSs to incrementally parallelize/optimize:
    • MPI applications on clusters of SMPs, and
    • Leverage CUDA kernels with OmpSs on clusters of GPUs


Good knowledge of C/C++
Basic knowledge of CUDA/OpenCL
Basic knowledge of Paraver/Extrae


Learning Outcomes

The students who finish this course will be able to develop benchmarks and simple applications with the MPI/OmpSs programming model to be executed in clusters and clusters of GPUs, and with the OmpSs@FPGA, to be executed on FPGA boards, like the Zedboard, or Xilinx ZCU102 and Alveo.