ESiWACE3 members will attend the European Geophysical Union General Assembly 2024, which will be held as a hybrid event in Viena (Austria) & online from 14 to 19 April 2024. The Center of Excellence will be at the booth where the Deutsche Klimarechenzentrum (the German Climate Computing Centre) will bring to the event.
The Center of Excellence will be presented on the touchable screen that DKRZ will have at the booth so the attendees can learn more about the project. The slide that will be displayed can be found here.
Moreover, ESiWACE3 will also participate at the conference with a poster presented by the Climate Research Communication Network, a network of which the project is part. The network has joined forces to present itself and its main objective, to advance in developing Earth System Models, to the attendees. The poster that will be displayed can be found here.
Pass by the booth of DKRZ and learn more about HPC in climate and weather simulations, as well as our Service Catalogue to help Earth System modellers with their codes!