published Nov 20, 2024 , last modified Jan 28, 2025


The 3rd General Assembly of the 3rd phase of the European Centre of Excellence in Weather and Climate Simulations was organized in person by the leading institution, the Barcelona Supercomputing Center-Centro Nacional de Supercomputación (BSC-CNS), and hosted by our partners, Deutsches Klimarechenzentrum GmbH (DKRZ).

All ESiWACE3 consortium at the General Assembly in Hamburg

The general assembly was inaugurated by Mario Acosta, the principal investigator (PI) of ESiWACE3, who welcomed all the partners and summarized the general state of ESiWACE3. He highlighted the strong presence of the Centre of Excellence at several conferences and workshops, as well as its increased impact on social media. Furthermore, on the morning of November 12th, the Consortium reviewed the project status by listening to summaries of the work performed over the last year within each Work Package.

Following this, we had the honour of hosting Irina Sandu, the Director of Destination Earth (DestinE) at the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF), who gave an external talk to reinforce the collaboration between ESiWACE3 and the promising Destination Earth project. Destination Earth is a flagship initiative of the European Commission aimed at developing a highly accurate digital model of the Earth (a digital twin of the Earth) to model, monitor, and simulate natural phenomena, hazards, and related human activities.

After lunch, all Consortium members participated in a workshop focused on the exploitation and impact of the project results. The workshop focused on identifying Key Exploitable Results (KERs) to maximise the impact and sustainability of the project results and services. 

Workshop on exploitation and impact of results

Then, the next morning, 13 November 2024, after the Work Package Focus Group and the Flagship presentations, the Management Team invited several external speakers to present and elaborate on some initiatives of potential interest to the Consortium. 

First, Claudia Frauen (DKRZ) presented the WarmWorld project, ESiWACE3's partner in the organisation of the Summer Schools. Then, Hendryk Bockelmann (DKRZ) explained the German national project natESM and its relation to ESiWACE3. Next, Torben Königk (SMHI) talked about Optim-ESM as a potential stakeholder to invite and push for collaboration. Thomas Jung from AWI then presented the EERIE project and finally, the HiDALGO2 Centre of Excellence was presented by its PI, Marcin Lawenda.

Last, but not least, Mario Acosta closed the event by describing the next steps of ESiWACE3 and the exciting future the CoE has in store.

Mario Acosta's wrap up and farewell