Organised in virtual format by the leading institution Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC), the 2nd General Assembly of the 3rd phase of the European Centre of Excellence in Weather and Climate Simulations consisted of two half days. On the afternoon of 27 November 2023, the Consortium reviewed the status of the project by listening to the summary of the work performed during this first year of the project within each Work Package.
Then, the next morning, 28 November 2023, the management team invited several external speakers who presented and deepened into some initiatives potentially interesting for the Consortium. First, Guntram Berti (Scapos) discussed the Coordinated Support Action CASTIEL2 and the collaboration with ESiWACE3. Then, Fanny Adloff (DKRZ) presented the ENES-RI infrastructure and the real interaction with ESiWACE3. At his turn, Kai Keller (BSC) explained the new Europe-Japan collaboration in terms of HPC called HANAMI (Hpc AlliaNce for Apllications and supercoMputing Innovation). Finally, the deployment of models and tools on the EuroHPC systems was addressed by Dennis Hope from CASTIEL2.
A summary of the 1st ESiWACE3 Hackathon returned the GA to the project issues. Finally, the meeting concluded with dedicated sessions on management and coordination, as well as breakout group time to discuss some internal decisions.
In addition, taking advantage of the event, the BSC published a news item about the new phase of ESiWACE, highlighting the change of leadership with respect to the previous phases and the new objectives of this 3rd phase. The prestigious American HPC-related magazine HPCwire echoed the piece contributing to spreading the knowledge of the project beyond Europe.