published Jan 24, 2025


Between the 20th and 22nd of January, HiPEAC25 took place in Barcelona and ESiWACE3 was present in various formats. After two decades of connecting and inspiring the HPC community, HiPEAC returned to Barcelona for its 20th edition. As the leading European forum bridging industry and academia in the field of computing systems, HiPEAC brings together professionals from industry, research and policy to promote R&D in computer architecture and computing systems in Europe.

To start with, ESiWACE3, together with the European Centres of Excellence (CoEs), hosted two special workshops to delve into the world of HPC. These workshops also celebrated the contributions of women experts in the field. These workshops brought together a wide range of experts from different projects, with representatives from all the CoEs and relevant Euro-HPC initiatives. 

Sophie Valcke from CERFACS

During these workshops, we counted with the presence of our invited guests Jenni Kontkanen from CSC – IT Center for Science, Development Manager of the European project Digital Twins, who about Building Digital Twins of Earth on EuroHPC supercomputers, and Sophie Valcke from CERFACS and former co-leader of the WP6 of ESiWACE2, who talked about Carbon Footprint of CMIP simulations

Left: Maitane Fariñas from BSC. Right: Round table with Thaleia Doudali, Madeleine Gray, Rosa María Badia, Alan O’Cais, Arnau Folch and Mario Acosta

Furthermore, our ESiWACE3 scientist Maitane Fariñas from the Barcelona Supercomputing Center explained Mixed Precision in Earth System models and Mario Acosta from the Barcelona Supercomputing Center, Principal Investigator of ESiWACE3, was part in the round table in Women, HPC and CoEs: HPC challenges for the Future.

In addition, we were present at the Barcelona Supercomputing Center booth, where we showed our new animated video, poster, leaflets and our latest Success story.

All in all, ESiWACE3 was well represented at HiPEAC25, creating new collaborations and increasing our interactions within the HPC community.