Thanks to its strong expertise in code coupling and the central role played by the OASIS coupler in the European climate community, CERFACS was heavily involved in the set-up of the IS-ENES1 (2009-2012) and IS-ENES2 (2012-2016) projects and now actively participates in IS-ENES3 as leader and co-leader of 3 work packages and leader of the HPC task force. CERFACS is also involved in several other scientific H2020 European projects or Centres of Excellence: IMMERSE, APPLICATE, TRIATLAS, DARE, SEEDS, EoCOE; and also in PHIDIAS in the context of the Connecting European Framework (CEF).

Role in the project

CERFACS is co-leader of WP6 and is mainly involved in task 6.2 with the set-up of an online course on OASIS3-MCT. CERFACS is also contributing to WP1 in Task 1.1 with the provision and support of the OASIS3-MCT coupler, and to “Service 2” in WP3 with 4 pms of Dedicated Support on OASIS3-MCT and 2 pms of Dedicated Support on XIOS.

Names of the colleagues involved

Sophie Valcke, Eric Maisonnave, Marie-Pierre Moine

Sophie Valcke (CERFACS)   Marie-Pierre Moine (CERFACS)

                 Sophie Valcke                                 Marie-Pierre Moine

Relevant infrastructure and services available for climate & weather

CERFACS provides the OASIS coupler to the community.
